Tag Archives: Olympics

Are cyclists really THAT bad?

As a keen cyclist and vehicle user I have to ask the question of why cyclists have developed such a negative stereotype on the roads and trails of Great Britain?

Personally I am not aware of anyone that takes a positive view of cyclists on Britain’s roads, or off-road for that matter. Trails around reservoirs are littered with signs aiming to deter cyclists, and the same goes for the majority of public footpath trails. Obviously, cyclist are allowed to use public highways, however it is a well known fact that the majority of drivers hate cyclists.

For a nation aiming to encourage cycling, the general population tend to take a seriously dim view of this wonderful sport. Are the few idiot cyclists that ride two-a-breast, in the middle of the road, cut through lights, cycle inconsiderately or without lights ruining it for the rest of us? In my opinion, YES! The sophisticated cyclist need not bother other road users in that they can predict traffic and adhere to the highway code, yes that does include stopping for red lights!

As for cycling off road, also a common hobby of mine; there is a notable lack of cycle friendly areas that aren’t frowned upon by dog walkers and hikers. It is about time that Britain as a whole became more accepting of cycling, and supported the growth of the sport through means other than the irregular Sky Rides.

All this leads me onto my next question, why are there so few cycle lanes anywhere within the UK? OK, those privileged enough to live in London have a completely new cycle lane system to look forward to, but what about the rest of us?

Personally, in the wake of the 2012 Olympics I believe that cycle lanes should be a key focus for councils around the UK in getting people more active, encouraging people cycling to work, and making cycling an all round more appealing sport.


What are your views?


– Thomas Green.